Into the Multiverse

Into the Multiverse

Travel through Aurora's Rift, strategically use your abilities to prolong your survival. Collect pickups to boost your abilities and help you along the way.
This best-of-class Web3 game redefines the Endless Runner genre with advanced controls, epic abilities, and challenging parkour.
Action & Adventure
Endless Runner
Timing & Parkour

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Abilities & Pickups

Aether Life
Collect Aetherlife to extend your survival in Aurora's Rift. This mystical energy sustains your journey through the multiverse.
Harness Pure Aetherium to unlock immense powers, enabling you to unleash your abilities and prolong your survival.
Crests are the multiverse currency accepted across numerous universes. Use them to unlock special abilities in multiple games.
Super Speed
Ability to move faster through the levels.
Dark Matter Ball
Ability to break walls from a distance.
Particle Spawn
Elevates your character to reach new heights, paths, powers, pickups, or escape death.
Quantum Run
Moves your character so fast through time and space that the clock freezes in place.
Magneto Run
Attracts all positive pickups from the level you've passed and the one ahead to your position.
Ghost Run
Spawns ghost particles to cheat through a level and converts the coins you've collected into
Bad Juju
Beware of nasty toxins that remove your powers and pesky red clocks that steal your time.

The Backstory

Aurora's Rift

In the boundless tapestry of the multiverse, where threads of time and space weave a dance as intricate as it is eternal, there exists a legendary Rift Runner named Aurora. Before she embraced this epic mantle, she was Dr. Aurora Stern, a quantum physicist with an insatiable curiosity about the nature of reality.

Her journey began in a state-of-the-art laboratory on Earth, where she and her team dared to achieve the impossible: teleport two particles of light across spacetime. Years of research and countless sleepless nights led to this pivotal moment. Aurora stood at the control panel, her fingers dancing over the keys as she initiated the experiment. A hum filled the air, growing into a crescendo as the particles began to shimmer and vibrate.

Then, it happened. The particles, instead of simply teleporting, collided in a burst of energy that tore through the fabric of spacetime itself. Aurora was engulfed in a blinding light, her surroundings dissolving into a kaleidoscope of colors. She felt herself being pulled apart and reassembled, her consciousness stretching and twisting through the void.

This was no ordinary failure; it was the birth of Aurora's Rift. Here, the laws of physics twisted and bent, reality rippling like water. Aurora's scientific mind struggled to comprehend this new existence, but her survival instincts kicked in. She discovered that Aetherlife—luminescent motes of pure energy—was essential to her newfound existence.

However, Aurora quickly realized that the Rift had a darker side. The collision of particles had unleashed a wave of quantum instability, a phenomenon where the very particles in a person's body became quantumly entangled with unstable states. This instability caused a slow but irreversible cellular decay, leading to disintegration if left unchecked. The once vibrant landscapes of the Rift were littered with the remnants of those who had succumbed to this terrifying fate.

When the light faded, Aurora found herself standing at the edge of a shimmering breach. The world around her was a dazzling, ever-changing tapestry of landscapes and cosmic phenomena. She quickly realized that this was not just another place—it was a realm between realms, a corridor through the multiverse itself. But it was also a place where every step brought her closer to a deadly end, as the quantum instability threatened to tear her apart.

Determined to survive and find a way back home, Aurora embarked on a quest to gather Aetherlife and explore the boundless realms of the multiverse. It was during this quest that she discovered the existence of Aetherium—a rare, mystical resource infused with stable quantum energy. Aetherium had the power to realign the particles in her body, counteracting the effects of quantum instability and stabilizing her existence within the Rift.

Her adventure begins at the very edge of Aurora's Rift, where the fabric of reality shimmers with infinite possibilities. With a burst of radiant energy, Aurora launches into a dazzling, fast-paced endless run, her feet barely touching the ground as she navigates through a cascade of ever-changing landscapes. Each step is a race against time, as she searches for Aetherium to stave off the quantum instability that constantly threatens her life.

The Rift was alive with mysteries, its landscapes shifting like the thoughts of a dreaming god. Every step she took revealed new wonders and dangers, from crystalline forests that sang with ancient melodies to gravity wells that bent light into impossible shapes. But the greatest danger of all was the unseen force of quantum instability, lurking in the very fabric of the Rift.

Guided by a blend of intellect and instinct, Aurora began to master her surroundings. She learned to harness the Aetherlife, using it to heal, grow stronger, and unlock latent abilities. But it was the discovery of Aetherium that became her true lifeline. With each shard she collected, she bought herself more time, more chances to unravel the secrets of the Rift and, perhaps, find a way home.

Her quest was not just for survival but for knowledge, each discovery a piece of the puzzle that might one day lead her back. With your help, Aurora will navigate the endless corridors of the multiverse, each filled with challenges and enigmas. Together, you will delve into the heart of Aurora's Rift, unearthing secrets that have lain hidden since the dawn of time. It is a journey of infinite possibilities, where courage and curiosity are the keys to survival and triumph.

Into the Multiverse

Aurora's Rift

In the boundless tapestry of the multiverse, where threads of time and space weave a dance as intricate as it is eternal, there exists a legendary Rift Runner named Aurora. Before she embraced this epic mantle, she was Dr. Aurora Stern, a quantum physicist with an insatiable curiosity about the nature of reality.

Her journey began in a state-of-the-art laboratory on Earth, where she and her team dared to achieve the impossible: teleport two particles of light across spacetime. Years of research and countless sleepless nights led to this pivotal moment. Aurora stood at the control panel, her fingers dancing over the keys as she initiated the experiment. A hum filled the air, growing into a crescendo as the particles began to shimmer and vibrate.

Then, it happened. The particles, instead of simply teleporting, collided in a burst of energy that tore through the fabric of spacetime itself. Aurora was engulfed in a blinding light, her surroundings dissolving into a kaleidoscope of colors. She felt herself being pulled apart and reassembled, her consciousness stretching and twisting through the void.

This was no ordinary failure; it was the birth of Aurora's Rift. Here, the laws of physics twisted and bent, reality rippling like water. Aurora's scientific mind struggled to comprehend this new existence, but her survival instincts kicked in. She discovered that Aetherlife—luminescent motes of pure energy—was essential to her newfound existence.

However, Aurora quickly realized that the Rift had a darker side. The collision of particles had unleashed a wave of quantum instability, a phenomenon where the very particles in a person's body became quantumly entangled with unstable states. This instability caused a slow but irreversible cellular decay, leading to disintegration if left unchecked. The once vibrant landscapes of the Rift were littered with the remnants of those who had succumbed to this terrifying fate.

When the light faded, Aurora found herself standing at the edge of a shimmering breach. The world around her was a dazzling, ever-changing tapestry of landscapes and cosmic phenomena. She quickly realized that this was not just another place—it was a realm between realms, a corridor through the multiverse itself. But it was also a place where every step brought her closer to a deadly end, as the quantum instability threatened to tear her apart.

Determined to survive and find a way back home, Aurora embarked on a quest to gather Aetherlife and explore the boundless realms of the multiverse. It was during this quest that she discovered the existence of Aetherium—a rare, mystical resource infused with stable quantum energy. Aetherium had the power to realign the particles in her body, counteracting the effects of quantum instability and stabilizing her existence within the Rift.

Her adventure begins at the very edge of Aurora's Rift, where the fabric of reality shimmers with infinite possibilities. With a burst of radiant energy, Aurora launches into a dazzling, fast-paced endless run, her feet barely touching the ground as she navigates through a cascade of ever-changing landscapes. Each step is a race against time, as she searches for Aetherium to stave off the quantum instability that constantly threatens her life.

The Rift was alive with mysteries, its landscapes shifting like the thoughts of a dreaming god. Every step she took revealed new wonders and dangers, from crystalline forests that sang with ancient melodies to gravity wells that bent light into impossible shapes. But the greatest danger of all was the unseen force of quantum instability, lurking in the very fabric of the Rift.

Guided by a blend of intellect and instinct, Aurora began to master her surroundings. She learned to harness the Aetherlife, using it to heal, grow stronger, and unlock latent abilities. But it was the discovery of Aetherium that became her true lifeline. With each shard she collected, she bought herself more time, more chances to unravel the secrets of the Rift and, perhaps, find a way home.

Her quest was not just for survival but for knowledge, each discovery a piece of the puzzle that might one day lead her back. With your help, Aurora will navigate the endless corridors of the multiverse, each filled with challenges and enigmas. Together, you will delve into the heart of Aurora's Rift, unearthing secrets that have lain hidden since the dawn of time. It is a journey of infinite possibilities, where courage and curiosity are the keys to survival and triumph.

Action & Adventure
Endless Runner
Timing & Parkour
Built By

CZB Labs

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Donec sed auctor orci. In a nisl vel nisi egestas efficitur nec ac neque. Sed vitae sollicitudin elit, ac tristique nisi. Pellentesque rutrum egestas massa lacinia volutpat. Integer et facilisis elit, vitae lobortis enim.


Donec sed auctor orci. In a nisl vel nisi egestas efficitur nec ac neque. Sed vitae sollicitudin elit, ac tristique nisi. Pellentesque rutrum egestas massa lacinia volutpat. Integer et facilisis elit, vitae lobortis enim.


Donec sed auctor orci. In a nisl vel nisi egestas efficitur nec ac neque. Sed vitae sollicitudin elit, ac tristique nisi. Pellentesque rutrum egestas massa lacinia volutpat. Integer et facilisis elit, vitae lobortis enim.


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